Opportunity creation

Partners register new opportunities that sync to your CRM

Deals, referrals and leads appear on the portal with the standard fields (such as client details, value, product details) and custom fields and attributes you set. Partners can assign their team members to deals for full responsibility.

CRM integration in free lead management software
monitoring deals on deal management software
Deal management

Deal stage and timeline management with set tasks at each stage

Track deals as they progress through customizable deal stages from creation to close (including lost reasons) and see the full deal history. At each stage, set tasks with deadlines to help progress the opportunity.


Communicate and collaborate on open opportunities

Partners can ask you questions about open deals so you can fill their product knowledge gaps and empower partners to win deals. You can ask partners questions on each deal, such as what is the upsell potential?

channel partners communicating with each other

The one platform to build and power partnerships to grow your software

Invite, approve, reject and negotiate with partners to join your program. Easy for you, easy for your partners.

Access all opportunities from partners in one source and give partners a platform with the tools to win you customers

Track partner opportunities by stage and access detailed reporting and analytics on your partner sales pipeline

Provide partners the tools - trackable links, coupons, lead forms, to generate leads and track & measure performance

Payouts owed to partners are calculated based on the rules you set. No more manual tracking - better than spreadsheets, isn’t it?

Share resources, guides and announcements with your partners to support their sales efforts

Relavate slots into your familiar processes with no-code integrations into your existing software tools and apps

Access instant reports on your pipeline, open opportunities and insights on closed won or lost leads

partner onboarding program dashboard Deal Management Image 1
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Free Trial For 14 Days

Provide your partners the tools to sell your software and take complete oversight over partners activity and sales pipeline, while you get all the data integrated back into your existing systems

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