A Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming a Software Reseller in 2024

Icon-watch 4 min read
Icon-date Mar 01, 2024
Lee R.

Customer Success Manager

A Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming a Software Reseller in 2024


    Over the years, the internet has evolved beyond being a military tool to a global village. Each wave of its growth brings new business ideas and solutions for tackling simple consumer pain points through innovation.

    Blocks with resellers

    This discovery has opened the market for various opportunities on the Internet. In this pool of opportunities lies software reselling, a lucrative yet niche market in the technology space.

    This article guides you on how to become a reseller with a reselling business that makes more money by reselling software solutions bought from software online marketplaces.

    What’s Software Reselling?

    Let’s talk about software reselling, its profitable business model, and how to convert customers into brand advocates.

    Software reselling is the internet’s equivalent of retail store businesses. The middleman (software reseller) acquires products(software solutions) and gets these solutions to consumers who need them.

    It’s not out of place to find suppliers willing to sell all rights of their software solutions. More about this under “white-labeling”.

    Software reselling is a sustainable business model because starting a reselling business doesn’t require software development skills. Becoming successful in the software reselling business is understanding consumer software needs.

    Some software resellers use these acquired software to upsell their existing customers.

    Here are some tips on becoming a software reseller with a successful software reselling business:

    Don’t Be A Salesman:

    Salesman leaning over a counter

    It is important to note that, although it’s called marketing, people don’t appreciate being sold to. They like to feel like they discovered a product an expert computer or person recommended. So, when reaching out to your audience, ensure marketing is as smooth as butter on glass.

    When approaching your target audience, avoid emphasizing their need to trust you, the advantages of your product, or its process.

    All your target audience cares about is how your product caters to their needs.

    Instead, plan your approach like this:

    • Benefits: List the most crucial benefits to gain their attention.
    • Pain points: Identify and address their pain points.
    • Ask the audience: A survey helps you get information on prospects.
    • Identify: Why do they need your product? And who has the most to benefit from using your product.
    • Show your company’s expertise with little but solid facts. In case you lack facts. Skip this.
    • Share Testimonials: When prospects are skeptical about your value offerings, share testimonials.
    • Upsell: After getting the first sale, we should focus on getting their next purchase.

    If you take this approach, you come off as a consultant looking to learn what makes their prospects happy. People want to feel heard and understood when reviewing products or services.

    This marketing approach makes the reseller profitable.

    Choose what you’ll sell and where you’ll get your items

    Product Selection

    Woman looking at shopping selves to select an item

    How to become a reseller with a profitable business is understanding your target market, and what reselling business model is most profitable for your own ecommerce business.

    In software reselling, your expertise in selecting the best resale items and knowing the right online marketplace to advertise them would help attract customers and determine your position in the market.

    How to become a reseller with satisfied customers as an individual or company, one must identify its own customers, and programs with high demand; and must have a passion for meeting audience needs to curate an irresistible tab of product offerings.

    Typically, there are three ways to select software products for resale. They are:

    1. White-labeling: The white-label business model requires a customizable product to bear the reseller’s brand’s identity rather than the manufacturer’s. This method of software product selection requires discretion between the software developer and the reseller.
      This also gives the business an advantage over other resellers as you spend money marketing your own products to make more money
    2. Affiliate programs: This business model is the least capital-intensive for resellers because they spend less to acquire products for resale.
      Prior knowledge of the product isn’t required, and the reseller’s zeal defines profit margins.

      An advantage of affiliate programs is that most software manufacturers have a niche market that needs their products. And the reseller can easily tap into this pool for profit.
      Some software providers award some resellers badges, which helps build customer trust.

    3. SAAS reselling: Software as a service (SAAS) has evolved the software development market because, less than a decade ago, if you needed software, you probably had to take a trip to the store to buy it in CD form but with the advent of Saas in the software market, users can easily acquire these products or services via the internet.
      A SAAS reseller can host the website for acquiring these products. The App Store and Play Store software marketplaces for Apple and Android software products are great examples.

    Implement Your Sales Strategy


    Strategy sign

    Every business requires a strategy, including your online resale business. This is the deciding factor separating successful software resellers and failed ones. With the right strategy, identifying your market audience becomes easy, approaching them becomes easier, and helping them realize why they need your software would not look salesy. Other perks like having a customer loyalty program can bring more traffic to your online retail store.

    Outline your target audience, define their personality, and understand what fuels them and why they need your product before you start marketing.

    After identifying these, you should be able to identify the right marketing ideas for selling your products and identifying services you can offer to make more money.

    If you have a platform with a stream of prospects, checking your insights for accurate data when starting your reselling business is advised.

    Start Marketing Your Reselling Business

    Reach Out

    Open sign on a door

    Now that we have the best software for resale, we have developed an effective strategy for reselling.

    Our next step is to reach out to our target audience. Businesses can only survive when they market their solutions.

    Business success relies solely on the marketer’s ability to reach their audience effectively. With the right marketing skills, your resale business model will grow faster with a solid business plan.


    Once you’ve got the best products, a well-laid-out marketing strategy shows your audience why they need your product offerings, why they can trust you, and how you pass this message in the most effective manner possible.

    You are ahead of many resellers selling high-demand products in the online marketplace.

    These tips are well-researched, but they don’t guarantee an immediate boom in sales because you require field experience to understand the dynamics of delivering good customer experience and developing niche expertise.

    For those, you must invest time and money in your online business.

    Utilizing these tips with the perfect software reseller tool helps your business grow faster

    Trust these tips to put you ahead of other first-level software resellers looking to break into the market.

    We wish you the best as you start selling online.

    Subscribe to our Newsletters for the latest software reselling updates.

    Lee R.

    Customer Success Manager

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    A seasoned Customer Success Manager known for his unwavering dedication to ensuring client satisfaction. With a knack for building lasting relationships and a passion for problem-solving, Lee is committed to helping customers thrive.

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